Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coming out.....

So I've decided to "come out" on my blog. On October 4th, Matt and I found out we're expecting a little one :o) I had a feeling I was pregnant and tested waaaay too early. That test came back negative, but I didn't let myself get down because I knew it was so early. A few days later I decided to test again. Now this was more frustrating than the negative test! I could not tell if I saw a line, or if it was an evaporation line. I guess this is common with tests with blue dye. So I again, didn't get too excited and decided to test again in the morning. OMG! Even more frustrating, this test did not work at all!! So I get myself up and ready for work and tell myself I'm going to spring for the pricier, reliable, pink dye tests. But I had to wait all through work before I could test.
Finally I got off work and got my tests. I rushed home and took the test ASAP. This time there was no doubt about it. There were two pink lines! BFP! I am pregnant! Needless to say I was ecstatic, over-joyed, emotional, nervous, anxious and just sooo happy. I'm not going to lie, I took three more tests after that. I could not wait to see the pink lines pop up. Matt is just excited, but being the realist he is, he's probably a little more nervous. As of right now, our EDD is June 13th. Perfect time of year for a baby.
We told my sister Lina, my Parents, Matt's dad, Angie, Brandon, Jamie and Jack. I'm pretty sure we'll leave it at that until my first doctors appt. But honestly, the more prayers and good thoughts this baby can get, the better. And if God forbid, something go wrong again, it will be nice to have the support from these people we are closest too. Everyone is really excited for us.
Matt and I have already started planning how we're going to do a nursery/jack's room. Jack is really sweet about having to share a room. I think he's excited. He loves joining in on our discussions about names. For a girl we all agree on Lilianna, or Lily. We are still unsure about a boy. I like Sawyer. Matt likes Huck.....which I totally do not. We are planning on getting Jack a loft bunk bed so we can put his desk and dresser underneath to save space. I confess, I already made my first baby purchase. I bought the Baby Beatles Lullabies. It's so sweet. My dad will appreciate that.
I just can't even begin to explain all the emotions I'm feeling. I'm trying really hard to be as positive about this pregnancy as possible, but with still being realistic that miscarriage is possible. I can't help but start planing for the babies arrival. I dream about it all day. Literally, it's on my mind 24/7. I feel like my brain is pregnant too. I've been feel pretty good as a whole. Nothing too horrible. But I'm still only 5.5 weeks. I get waves of nausea, waves of extreme hunger, super sleepy and sore nipples. But it's all a very welcome feeling. I just keep reminding myself that I'm pregnant today and enjoy every moment of this. I hope and pray this is my chance to add to my little family <3