Thursday, November 10, 2011

Too long since last update!

So there's been some changes since my last post. I went in for my first OB U/S and I thought at that time I was about 6 weeks pregnant. When Matt and I went in for the U/S all we saw was a gestational sac. At 6 weeks we should be able to see more. So of course I immediately think the worst because of past experience. We went to see the OB right after and he was not worried or concerned at all. He said I probably just ovulated later than I thought. He then ordered some labs and put me on progesterone supplements until my next U/S scheduled  a week later. My beta's came back great and doubling. So that was a great sign. But I was still really worried something was wrong.
That was one the longest weeks of my life. I was so nervous and anxious the entire time. Finally Oct 31st came and I got to go in for my U/S. The tech started the exam and immediately turned to screen so that I could see. What a relief!! They would not turn the screen to show you something bad. There was the babies little heartbeat flickering away! At that point I was measuring 6 weeks and 5 days. So I did ovulate about 5-6 days later than I had originally though. Unfortunately, Matt couldn't come with me, but it was still such a happy moment . Our new due date is June 20, 2012. 

Since about the day of my U/S I have had HORRIBLE morning sickness. And by morning sickness, I mean all day sickness and nausea. I would eat, then throw it up. Most of the time I didn't eat at all because I was so nauseated. I had already lost 5-6 lbs by about 7.5 weeks. I have to take daily blood pressure meds and I was not able to take them because I would gag it right up. Finally last Sunday, Nov. 6, mine and Matt's one year anniversary, I could not take the sickness anymore. I called up my OB and let him know what was going on. He told me what would be best for myself and the baby is to go to ER for some IV fluids and anti-nausea meds. So we did that. We were at St. Jude ER for about 6 hours. But it was well worth it. The meds worked miracles. They gave me an rx so that I can take it at home as needed. I still get a little queesey but nothing compared to before. I'm still super fatigued, but that's much more bearable when I don't feel like ralphing the whole time. All these symptoms are reassuring that my pregnant is going well. All my friends who have been pregnant before are great with advice and things they did to help their nausea. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this.
So as I mentioned, Matt and  I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. We celebrated it the day before the real day. We went to a nice dinner at The Melting Pot. It was great. It felt nice to get dressed up and do something just the two of us. Dinner was delicious. I did throw it up as soon as we got home, but it was super enjoyable at the time! That's about all that's new for now.