Monday, December 12, 2011

Some More Changes

Since my last update, we've had a few more changes. My forever changing due date is now back to June 10th. Back where we started. I went in for an ultrasound due to come cramping and I was measuring further along. I was obviously nervous but as soon as I got to look at the screen I could see the little one bouncing away. It was really incredible to see. The ultrasound tech told me right away that we already have an active little one :o) She has asked if I had just had caffeine, and with guilt, I admitted I did. That's probably why the baby was bouncing around so much. Its amazing how the baby could be boucing around so much and I not even feel it at that time. I'm going to post my pic. I was meausring at 10w1d at that time.
You can see the head at the bottom, and the little nubby arms and legs. I was just so relieved to see a healthy heart beat! And I had made it farther along than last time. I felt a sigh of relief when I hit 9 weeks, even though that didn't mean I was out of the clear yet.

Last week, on the Dec. 6th I went in for my NT U/S. That is where they do genetic testing to see if the baby has increased risk of downs syndrome. They can also sometimes take a guess at what the sex may be. I didn't have my hopes up too high, but I was still hoping for a guess. I took my mom with my to this exam. She had never really sat in on an U/S before. She didn't have any with myself or my sisters. The baby was already so much bigger than he/she was a few weeks prior. The tech I had for this exam was not the nicest. She didn't really explain anything she was looking at, and didn't even atempt to make a guess at what I am having. She also tried to argue with me about how far along I am. She said the exam may not even work becaue I was not far enough long. But of course, the exam went well because I am measuring farther along and right on track. The good news is the risk of down's is less than 1 in 40,000. My mom was also really excited to get to see the little one on the screen. All in all, it was a succeful exam. I did schedule my anatomy scan for Jan 16th with the U/S tech that I love! Here is my baby at 13 weeks!

I'm now officially 14 weeks and 1 day. I'm now into my 2nd trimester. I feel soooo much better than I did before. Hardly anymore morning sickness. I still get a little queesey here and there, but nothing unbearable. I still get really fatigued, but it's not like I was a night owl before the pregnancy either way. I finally feel like I can relax a little and start to enjoy my pregnant. I catch myself dreaming of my baby all the time. I'm constantly thinking about what it will feel like to hold my baby, smell my baby, see how Jack is with our baby and imagine mine and Matt's relationship and what it will be like. I'm starting to show a tiny bit. My regular jeans are definately too snug now. But I looke chubby more than anything. I'm going to try and start updating weekly with a weekly update.

How far along? 14 weeks
Weight gain/loss:  Don't know for sure
Size of baby:  Lemon 
Maternity clothes? Pants for sure.
Stretch marks: I don't think any new ones. 
Sleep: Normal for the most part.
Best moment this week: Making it to 14 weeks.
Food cravings: Mexican
Gender: Girl in my mind :o)
Pregnancy Signs: Fatigue, hardening belly, emotional.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Movement: I think I've felt some flutters
What I miss: Excedrin. Girly shots.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling constitant movement. Anatomy scan. 
Weekly Wisdom: This might work out :o)
Milestones:  No all-day nausea in over a week



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